David C Cook COVID-19 Response

Getting Ready

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Materials Needed:

  • Internet access
  • Timer or timer app

When all students have arrived, mention that today’s lesson won’t be starting for five minutes. Set a five-minute timer.

Tell students that they are not allowed to look at their smartphones during this five minute waiting period. (If students are still getting on their phones during this time even though you have asked them not to, gently ask them to get off of their phones and mention that by doing so they will better understand today’s lesson.)

Encourage students to raise their hands and suggest things they can do to pass the time. One suggestion might be to share a favorite childhood memory or play a group game like Concentration (where a leader leads a clapping sequence in front of the group and the class tries to follow/clap along).

When the timer goes off indicating the five minutes is up, ask your middle schoolers if they thought it was hard to wait those five minutes; invite various responses.

Share this video with your class [1:12]:
Faithful Dog Waits Outside Hospital for Owner

The owner had to leave behind his pet when he was admitted into the hospital, but the dog had no way of knowing if her owner was okay or coming back. Although the man’s family understood he was sick or in the hospital, it’s likely they also wondered if the man would be okay.

  • How might you have reacted if you were waiting to find out if someone you loved survived an illness or catastrophe? (Answers will vary. Most students would mention that this would be a very difficult thing to go through.)
  • How do you think the dog felt when, after worrying and running to the hospital every day, she saw her owner being wheeled out of the hospital? (Answers will vary. Students may mention a feeling of great relief, excitement, etc.) 
  • How hard do you think it was for the dog to wait for its owners to return home? (Answers will vary. People can’t know exactly how a dog would react but the dog was likely very anxious, especially since its brother had been rescued and taken away.) 
  • How do you react when you have to wait for something and you don’t know what the outcome may be? (Answers will vary.)

If time permits, have student volunteers share about a time in their lives when they had to wait a very long time. Have them explain where they were, what happened, how long they had to wait, and how they felt when the wait was over. Ask them if they used that waiting time constructively or wasted it.

The people of Israel waited for many years, even centuries, for a promised appearance. That’s what today’s lesson is all about.

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • Internet access
  • Paper
  • Pens/pencils

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