David C Cook COVID-19 Response

Partners in Prayer

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Materials Needed:

  • Internet access

Request a show of hands to the following question: Do any of you like spending time alone rather than with a lot of other people? Some people are natural introverts and find pleasure in being alone. That’s how some of us are made! But when a crisis strikes, going solo is a bad idea. This past year a group of teenagers found out just how important it is to lean on the people around you. Our survival can depend on it.

Share the following video with your students [0:54]:
Youth Football Team Rescues Trapped Couple in Car

A youth football team was on their way home and saw an overturned car with people still inside. They instantly jumped in to help. They ended up helping two people to safety.

  • What did you notice about the demeanor and dialogue of the young people holding up the car? (Everyone was focused on the single task at hand. Some called out words of encouragement.)
  • What would likely have happened if only a few students had been there? (Even the strongest person would have failed to lift the car. It took the multiplied effect of the group to create momentum and strength.)
  • Describe a situation where you were empowered by an entire community. What is the difference between flying solo and joining with others? (Allow students to share. Responses will vary. Be prepared to share your own experience.)
  • How does it make you feel when you know others have your back? How does it make you feel to support someone else? (Allow students to share.)

As we grow in Jesus, we are called to build each other up in prayer. Life happens in community, and we mature together as we encourage each other in faith. Despite the risks that come with being vulnerable to friends, the Bible instructs us to pray for each other and watch faith grow.

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • Butcher paper
  • Markers
  • Internet access (optional)

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