David C Cook COVID-19 Response

Revealed Love

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When Tony Hudgell was one month old, his parents intentionally caused such great injury to him that he had 11 fractured bones, multiple damaged organs, and sepsis, all of which led to both of his legs being amputated below the knee. Tony, from King’s Hill, Kent, UK, was placed with an adoptive family and is now six. Tony recently walked more than 10k on his new prosthetic legs to raise $1.2 million for the hospital that saved his life as an infant. The boy’s bubbly personality and loving adoptive family illustrate that God’s love is redeeming his past hurts.

Though Joseph’s brothers felt great remorse for how they had betrayed Joseph when he was 17, Joseph himself had a different perspective. He saw God’s hand in it, as their act of cruelty sent Joseph to Egypt where he could interpret Pharaoh’s prophetic dreams—a development that resulted in Joseph’s own family being saved. God uses even the worst kinds of human sin to bring about His plan. Nothing can stand in the way of God’s will being done.


  • How has God redeemed something painful in your own life?
  • When have you seen kindness or love turn someone’s life around?
  • How else have you seen God transform tragedy into triumph?

Looking for Steps 2, 3 & 4?

You can find Steps 2, 3 & 4 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

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