David C Cook COVID-19 Response

We Stand Corrected!

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Materials Needed:

  • Internet access

As students arrive to class, ask them to tell you about the movies they’ve seen most recently. 

This summer, the latest movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) released: Black Widow. It was the first movie focusing solely on this Avenger to premiere.

  • Have any of you seen Black Widow? What did you think of the movie? (Accept all reasonable responses.)

Some of you may have also heard about the dispute between the actress who plays Black Widow, Scarlett Johansson, and Disney.

  • Have any of you heard about this dispute? If so, share about what you know. (Accept all reasonable responses.)

Scarlett decided to sue Disney for releasing her movie on the Disney+ streaming service and in theaters at the same time. She claims this was a breach of contract. Disney, on the other hand, claims that there was nothing in her contract which said the movie couldn’t release on streaming and in theaters simultaneously.

Read the “Key Points” in this article to students:
Disney wants to move Scarlett Johansson’s lawsuit behind closed doors. Her lawyers want an open court

  • Both Scarlett Johansson and Disney blame each other in this dispute. What has been your experience with the blame game, either as the one who was blamed or the one who blamed someone else? (Answers will vary.) 
  • Why do you think we are so quick to blame others? (Answers will vary but might include: We do not like to be corrected. We may not feel we should take responsibility. We are afraid of correction.)

Giving in to temptation or making big mistakes is common for us humans. Wanting to find somewhere to cast the blame for our problems is just as common. Let’s find out what got us in this mess and what can be done about it.

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • Internet access
  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Pens/pencils

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